Take control of your panic attacks

Panic attacks are sudden, intense episodes of fear and physical discomfort that can be incredibly overwhelming and frightening. They can strike without warning, leaving you feeling out of control and anxious about when the next one might occur. I understand how debilitating panic attacks can be, and my goal is to help you regain control and live a life free from the constant fear of panic.

What is a panic attack? What are the symptoms?

Panic attacks can happen for various reasons, often without a clear trigger. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Panic Disorder is “an anxiety disorder characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms that may include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, or abdominal distress.”

Some people with panic disorder also describe:

  • Crying

  • Nausea

  • Lightheadedness

  • Experiencing insomnia

  • Tingling in hands or feet

  • Head pressure/headaches

You might feel like you're having a heart attack or going crazy, which can lead to avoidance behaviors, further isolating you and increasing your anxiety. But you’re not alone, it’s been estimated that 4.7% of US adults will experience a panic attack at some point in their lives. 

Understanding that your symptoms are a result of your body's fight-or-flight response can be the first step toward managing them effectively.

How CBT helps with panic attacks

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a highly effective treatment for panic attacks. In our sessions, you’ll learn:

  • What’s happening in your brain and body during panic attacks

  • Which techniques work for you to keep you grounded and feeling in control

  • What your fears are and a tailored process to help you overcome them

  • To feel more in control and able to manage your panic disorder symptoms and triggers

Benefits of panic attack therapy

Through proven therapy techniques, you can achieve significant relief from panic disorder and panic attacks. Here are some benefits you can expect:

  • Calming Techniques: Learn how to calm yourself during a panic attack.

  • Fear Reduction: No longer live in constant fear of your next panic attack.

  • Deep Understanding: Gain a deeper understanding of your panic attacks.

  • Symptom Relief: Experience relief from the dreaded symptoms of panic attacks.

  • Increased Confidence: Live with more confidence and freedom, knowing you can manage your panic.

About me: your CBT Therapist

Hi, I’m Whitley Lassen, a psychologist in Colorado. In therapy with me, you'll learn to face your panic attacks without fear, allowing them to decrease over time.

I understand that seeking help for panic attacks can be challenging. You might fear the therapy process, and feel embarrassed or ashamed about having panic attacks. However, taking the step to seek help is a vital move towards reclaiming your life. With evidence-based CBT, we can work together to manage and reduce your panic attacks effectively. My approach is warm, empathetic, and professional, ensuring that you feel supported throughout the process.

Panic attacks can have a profound impact on your life, but it is possible to take back control. Through CBT, you can develop the tools and strategies needed to manage your panic attacks and live a more confident, fulfilling life. 

Schedule a free consultation with me today, and let's work together to overcome your fears and achieve your goals.

How to start working with me

  1. Complete the contact form to request a free consultation.

  2. We’ll meet for a free 10-15 minute phone consultation to discuss your goals.

  3. We will meet for therapy weekly until you’re ready to try your panic attack coping skills on your own.

Schedule a consultation with me today, and let’s work together to create a plan that helps you achieve your goals and live the life you deserve.

Learn coping skills and strategies to manage anxiety and live a meaningful and purposeful life.