Overcome your fears and phobias

Phobias can be incredibly debilitating, causing intense, irrational fears of objects or situations that pose little or no actual danger. Even though you might realize these fears are irrational, the anxiety they provoke can be overwhelming. I understand how phobias can limit your life, making everyday activities feel impossible. My goal is to help you manage and overcome these fears, so you can live a more fulfilling life.

What is a phobia?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a “specific phobia is an intense, irrational fear of something that poses little or no actual danger.  Although adults with phobias may realize that these fears are irrational, even thinking about facing the feared object or situation brings on severe anxiety symptoms.”

Phobias can manifest in many ways and can be linked to various triggers. Here are some common types of phobias and their symptoms:


  • Spiders 

  • Driving 

  • Flying

  • Heights

  • Blood

  • Snakes

  • Being trapped 

  • Needles

  • Dogs

Symptoms include:

  • Severe anxiety

  • Panic attacks

  • Avoidance behavior

  • Difficulty functioning in daily life

These phobias can cause you to avoid certain situations or activities, impacting your ability to work, travel, or even engage in social interactions. The constant fear and avoidance can be exhausting and isolating, but it's important to remember that you are not alone. It’s been estimated that 9.1% of US adults experienced a phobia in the last year. 

How CBT Helps with Phobias

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a proven and effective treatment for phobias. 

Using proven therapy techniques, you can achieve much relief from phobias:

  • Know how to calm yourself down when in the feared situation

  • No longer live in fear of your phobias

  • Understanding phobias on a deep level

  • Relief from dreaded avoidance of the phobia

  • Live with more confidence and freedom

  • Learn why you want to avoid facing your phobias

  • Learn which techniques work for you to keep you grounded and feeling in control

  • Understand what your fears are and a gradual approach to help you face them

  • Learn how to gradually face your phobias, therefore decreasing the fear over time

Exposure therapy for phobias

One key aspect of CBT for phobias is exposure therapy. Exposure therapy involves creating a fear hierarchy, or fear ladder, to gradually face your phobias step-by-step. This approach helps to desensitize you to the fear, reducing the anxiety associated with it over time. Here’s how it works:

  • Fear Hierarchy: We’ll list your fears in order of intensity.

  • Gradual Exposure: Starting with the least fearful situation, we’ll gradually expose you to your phobia.

  • Supportive Environment: You’ll face your fears in a safe and controlled setting, with my support every step of the way.

Exposure therapy helps you build confidence and reduces the avoidance behaviors that reinforce your phobia. Over time, your anxiety about the phobia will decrease, allowing you to engage more fully in life.

About me: your CBT Therapist

Hi, I’m Whitley Lassen, a psychologist in Colorado. I understand that seeking help for a phobia can be challenging. You might feel embarrassed or ashamed about your fear, or you might be afraid of facing it directly. Previous attempts at therapy might not have been successful, adding to your hesitation. 

However, taking the step to seek help is a courageous and vital first move towards overcoming your phobia. Imagine a life where you can:

  • Face your fears without terror

  • Engage in activities you love without limitations

  • Live confidently and freely

With evidence-based CBT and exposure therapy, we can work together to manage and ultimately overcome your phobias. My approach is warm, empathetic, and professional, ensuring that you feel supported throughout the process. 

Phobias can feel like they control your life, but it is possible to take back that control. Through CBT and exposure therapy, you can develop the tools and strategies needed to manage your fears and live a more confident, fulfilling life. 

Schedule a free consultation with me today, and let's work together to overcome your fears and live a life without limitations. 

How to start working with me to overcome your fears and phobias

  1. Complete the contact form to request a free consultation.

  2. We’ll meet for a free 10-15 minute phone consultation to discuss your goals.

  3. We will meet for therapy weekly until you’re ready to try your phobia coping skills on your own.

Schedule a consultation with me today, and let’s work together to create a plan that helps you achieve your goals and live the life you deserve.

Learn coping skills and strategies to manage anxiety and live a meaningful and purposeful life.